Content Harry Potter


james27 posted a comment on Friday 13th March 2009 1:02am for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

I can't help it... this chapter always leaves me with tears in my eyes, especially when he is standing over Patricia’s coffin.

I suppose that's the mark of a well written tragedy.


Abraxan replied:

Thank you - it had me bawling to write it.   I'm glad it touched you.


Dragnew posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 2:43pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

As with previous chapters, I again liked the mood swings in this chapter. It captures what it's like for Harry, helps us understand it, if only at a fraction of the pain Harry is experiencing.
The funeral scene was touching, Harry's Euolgy had me tearing up,(as much as it embarasses me as a 17 year old boy to say that), but the scene with Mr Verre being out-negotiated by Hermione had me laughing. It's emotionally draining! I'm going to need to watch some sort of violent movie tonight to re-establish my masculinity. Or, I could keep reading for the next 6 or 7 hours. Which would be more fun.

Abraxan replied:

ROTFL!   You have to watch a violent movie to re-establish your masculinity??   That's so funny!   I like to read stories that have a rhythm to them, giving the reader a rest after an intense scene, for instance, so I try to write that way.   Plus it does suit Harry's life pretty well.   Star Sons doesn't have as many mood swings as these stories, because the heroes are different in several ways from Harry.   Don't worry about your masculinity, though - I've had lots of men, many much older than you, have the same reaction to that chapter!


Daily Prophet Reporting posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 10:02pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

One of the paragons of novel-length HP fanfiction is that Harry is always finding himself new ways to wind up in the hospital wing. I don't think I've ever seen this one before. It makes a good deal of sense, though, given pre-HBP knowledge. The desire to get the root of all his current pain has got to be strong, especially when the opportunity is thrust into his hands like that.

My instinct is to think that doing so is only going to make things worse because he's lost such a huge part of who he is in this universe and that recovering it is going to force it to all come flooding back. But I also see that the titular chapter is next, so perhaps Dumbledore's plan will work and Harry will come to terms with what's happened and perhaps even derive something positive from it to take forward.

Either way, there's a very interesting dichotomy in this chapter. You've got Harry giving such a painful and poignant eulogy (which was appropriate and really well done, I'd say), and then breaking down entirely ... right after you go on a business thread with Verre and the Creeveys. It's a very different combination, but I suppose it shows that the world is still moving and that certain things -- like finances -- have to be addressed, even if Harry isn't in the frame of mind to pay them much though. (On a total side note, you're going to kill of Verre, aren't you? Harry Potter ads all over the place? That's just asking for a Death Eater attack!)

Interesting, too, that the big dramatic moment was driven by Harry's works of art. Not that it doesn't make sense in context, but I've meaning to ask you what the motivation for the Harry-as-artist tread was for a while. I can't remember anything from canon to indicate that, so what pushed you in that direction? It's frankly struck me as a being out of character.

I'm also curious on what your thinking was with the full moon(s). Remus being out of commission twice in two or three nights threw me for a loop. Is that just a mistake or do you have a different perspective on lycanthropy than the one-night-of-transformation-per-lunar cycle that I'm used to seeing?

Anyway, I'm getting off track again. All in all, this is a very powerful and dynamic chapter. It also seems like you're coming this transition part of the story to a head, so I'm interested to see what you make of it and how you build off it.

Thanks as always!

Abraxan replied:

You'll just have to wait and see what the Refiners Fire does to Harry, LOL!   And the "business" part of the chapter is Harry dealing with things he can control as well as he can (like making Colin pay a cut of his picture profits to a fund for orphans).   Death has hit him full in the face and he realizes he wants things done the way he wants them done.

I'm glad you like the eulogy - I cried buckets while writing it!   And I cried buckets again just now re-reading the chapter so I'd be able to answer your questions!

The big dramatic moment being driven by one of Harry's works of art was deliberate.   I'm a professional sculptor.   I know how much of myself I put into each of my works (the ones I make up, not the commissioned portraits - those feel different when I'm making them).   Harry has put his heart into making that mosaic for Casey, to show her how much she means to him, and now she's gone.   If it had stayed intact, he might have brooded over it for years, who knows?   Breaking it might actually be good for him - but the timing of it's destruction was horribly painful for him.

What pushed me to make Harry an artist had nothing to do with canon but a great deal to do with character.   Harry is a gentle, sensitive soul with a heart aching for love.   He wants desperately to find someone who will love him for himself, flaws and all, and who he can love wholeheartedly.   That's one reason he's so loyal to his friends, because they love him in spite of everything (his rages, the death threats hanging over him, his lack of knowledge about both the wizarding world and himself, etc.).   Harry keeps a lot to himself emotionally - he doesn't want to be hurt any more than he has been in life so far - but he also is poignantly open in some ways, if you know how to read him.   He loves the Weasleys like the family he never had - Molly and Arthur see this and respond to it, making him their "extra" son.   He never openly says "I love you" to them, but you can see it in his eyes, in his body language, in how he simply blossoms under their care.   That sensitivity, that strong response to love and/or praise, is strong influence in many artists' personalities.  

Harry is good with patterns in canon, IMO - he can read clues in things other people miss, or else he's more brave than other people and follows the clues (I can't think of a good example of him reading clues at the moment, but following the spiders is an example of following the clues).   Being good with patterns makes it easy for him to see ways to put the chips of marble together in pretty patterns, which is how he gets started in doing mosaics.   Being good at reading patterns will play a part in the RF saga as Harry goes after Voldie and the DEs - it all works together as part of the plot.  

Another reason for the mosaics is that everyone needs a hobby, and the only one Canon!Harry has is flying.   You can't fly all the time, so he needs to find something else to do as a hobby.   As he matures, Harry will want to do something useful with his time and he doesn't have a father or older man who can teach him how to use tools to build things, for instance - but Doug taught him how to make mosaics.   He admires Casey's dad a lot and blossomed under his tutelage (sp?) just as he did under the Weasleys' care.   He will probably always have a special place in his heart for mosaics because of the many connections they have with the Asher family, and he may make them all of his life.

Dunno if that answers your question or not - I see Harry as a loving, warm, lonely soul who thrives when in a loving environment.   I gave him such an environment with the Suttons, and look how he blossomed, becoming a much more mature and well-rounded young man in a very short time, and developing a skill he can use the rest of his life for pleasure or profit either one.

As for the full moon thing - I researched lycanthropy and many of the sources I read said the werewolf is affected for the three days, not just one, so I used that because it suited my needs.

Yup, there's a transition coming up - the Refiner's Fire itself and some other things.   I hope you enjoy it!   Thanks for the interesting review!


Kruste posted a comment on Friday 11th April 2008 12:20pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

Hey.. uhm.. Don't know what to say. Your Writing is great... I've cried the last two Chapters trought... poor Harry...

Well, I like your Story, gonna read it till the End. :)

Sorry, but my English really Sucks...

Abraxan replied:

Thanks - glad you're enjoying my story!


ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th February 2008 3:35pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

Why was Casey killed off?

I would liked to have sean Casey and Harry be together.

Abraxan replied:

So would a lot of people, but I created her in order to kill her off and trigger an illness in Harry you'll read about soon.   She was supposed to be his "first love" and she did a good job of it.   So many people were upset by her death that I've resurrected her in my original novel, "Star Sons - Dawn of the Two" which is now available on

And Casey may be gone, but she's not forgotten.   She will be remembered late in both this story and "The Time of Destiny."   Enjoy!


Jonny posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2007 10:15am for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

i've already read this a few times but after re-reading it for about the fourth time i have to say that this chapter is one of the most moving pieces of fanfiction i have ever read. it's so beautiful and it reminds me a lot of deaths of my loved ones and had me very close to tears of numerous occasions. i love this story and its sequel too, so thank you for writing it. it's brilliant.

Abraxan replied:

Thanks so much!   Yeah, it had me bawling when i was writing it, and has moved me every time I've read it since writing it.   I'm glad you liked it!


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 3:17am for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

Hermione’s and Harry’s arrangements for photo rights were brilliant. I love the details you put into this. So I take it Casey’s really, never-coming back, absolutely dead. Sniff. Harry's going to be in a bad way for a while. Wonderful chapter.

Abraxan replied:

Thanks a lot!   Casey's gone but not forgotten - she makes an "appearance" every so often through this fic and its sequel, "The Time of Destiny."   And there was such a fan uproar when I killed her off that I've resurrected her in my original novel, "Star Sons."   Casey lives! Just not in Harry's world!   ;-)


DJ posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 1:45am for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

I was rereading your wondorful story and had a question. Why was Hermione able to hold up the eye glass maker for so much? He was the only one who could make "those" glasses right? So why not tell her ware to go? Just a fun question on a reread.

Abraxan replied:

I've watched my daughter broker deals like this, even when she was a teenager.   Hermione has the same kind of logical mind as my now-in-her-30's daughter, so this just seemed like something she'd try and succeed at.   That's all.

Abraxan, glad you're enjoying reading my fics again

Robert1 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th March 2006 7:09pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

I'm a 33 year old man, and I cried for an hour after Casey's funeral. You're an excellent author and I can't wait for more of your work. Just so you know, I have my own AU version of this story in my head, involving a time turner, clones, and memory modification, just so that somewhere in the multiverse Casey is alive and well and living in Arizona.

Abraxan replied:

Oh, that's funny (your AU) because part of the original novel I'm now working on involves Arizona, and Casey is in the novel as well! LOL! She's gone but not forgotten in my HP fics, too, don't worry. No time-turner, clones or memory modification involved. I'd say I was sorry I made you cry, but honestly, I'm glad you were so moved by the story. Thanks so much for writing!


Mariposa posted a comment on Saturday 25th February 2006 7:30pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

OMGs I cried so much for Harry! You are really putting him through some torture :o( Great writing!

Abraxan replied:

Thanks a lot! Harry's such a resiliant guy, he always bounces back no matter how much I torture him, bless him! Glad you're enjoying the story!


Victor1 posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 3:06pm for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

damn this was a very sad, but well written chapter.

well done.

Abraxan replied:



Wooster posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 12:16am for Chapter 09 - Goodbyes

ooh. 'massive writhing ball of silvery' memories? that sounds *really* painful. i noticed the glasses guy was named verre in time of destiny, but i wanted to wait til i read this to see if you put it in author's notes....sweet! such a sad chappie, hope it picks up soon...