Now And Forever
Chapter 10
By Abraxan
Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 9:26am for Chapter 10
Er, would this be a bad time to ask why they don't just review the scene in a pensieve? Get an ID on the attacker . . .
Abraxan replied:
Maybe they just didn't think of it! Or perhaps that wouldn't have worked for what the author wanted to happen in the story? (I happen to know the latter is the real reason, LOL!)
RNCybergate posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 8:14pm for Chapter 10
Last year it was Harry who had to watch his it's Ginny who was to watch her back instead.
Lets hope she won't be in the Hospital wing too much...
I have a bad feeling that the attacks won't stop even after they are married...lets hope that screwed up fan girl is caught soon.
Abraxan replied:
Don't worry too much - Harry won't rest until she's caught and Ginny's safe!
Mandi Browning posted a comment on Tuesday 12th February 2008 2:47pm for Chapter 10
Oh, poor Ginny!! She's always known that being with Harry was dangerous, but that was just too much! I hope there was a magical signature left on the robes. Harry was so sweet to her about her hair and healing her burns. She's such a lucky girl. Can't the ministry do something about the fan girls? Ginny's life seems to be in danger, what happens when she's alone and gets attacked with no one around to do a finite on whatever hex she gets? Loving the story. So glad you decided to continue!!
Abraxan replied:
Yeah, poor Ginny! If something like this happened when she was alone, she's tough enough that I suspect she could deal with it - but she'd have more severe injuries since she couldn't react as quickly as someone else could (first she has to react to the pain, THEN she can counteract the spell, while someone else could see what happened and counter the spell faster, IMO). Yeah, Harry's such a sweet guy, isn't he? Gotta love him! :D Glad you're enjoying the story!
PrettyPixi posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 10:57am for Chapter 10
Poor Ginny! I can't believe that some freak fan girl would set her on fire! I hope they find her and hang her from her toenails. Who the heck is she anyways?
Abraxan replied:
You'll just have to keep reading to find out!
jdcox61 posted a comment on Friday 1st February 2008 9:40am for Chapter 10
what a bitch, i can't believe she would light ginny's robes on fire. I hope they catch her and string her up by her thumbs
Abraxan replied:
That' would be one way to punish her . . .
noylj posted a comment on Thursday 31st January 2008 2:42pm for Chapter 10
Story's great, Chapters too short. I can't believe Harry's reaction time was so slow that the "fangirl" got away. Is he losing his touch?
Abraxan replied:
Ginny's robes were on fire - he thought it was kinda important to put out the fire, and he trusted Ron and Hermione to go after the culprit. He was more interested in making sure his love was saved and healed as quickly as possible.
rune1806 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 8:27pm for Chapter 10
The update leaves me needing more, so many stars are hurt by fans that the story line rings to true.
Abraxan replied:
I'm glad you think it rings true! The best fantasy, in my opinion, is based in reality as much as possible. That's how I write my stories, with as much reality as possible. Thanks for writing!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 1:07pm for Chapter 10
Hmm, 'twould appear some fangirls just won't take "no" for "no"; 'twould seem stronger security measures are called for and I'm certain Ron and Harry would wish to guard their ladies' bodies -quite- closely, though I suspect work and training would interfere. ;) Still, 'tis good to see that Harry & Ginny are getting the band they want and that other things are falling into place. I will hope, though, that this little incident doesn't presage more such nonsense.
Abraxan replied:
Without conflict, there is no story, so of course there will be SOME kind of conflict to come! And yeah, the boys will guard their ladies *quite* closely! LOL!
Deborahsu posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 1:06pm for Chapter 10
Ok, who's the fangirl? She's gotta be someone we know. I'm so glad we're getting closer to the wedding! They've been waiting long enough, don't you think?
Of course, I'd think differently if it were my daughter at that age! LOL!!!
Abraxan replied:
ROTFL! I'd be thinking differently if it were MY daughter, too!! You'll find out who the fangirl is eventually - stay tuned!
Mrs.TiffanyPotter posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 11:06am for Chapter 10
Poor Ginny. The Fan Girls are becomming a problem. Before long the whole family will need a body guard to step out of the house. I hope the Aurors and the Lions Management do something about them before Harry Loses his cool.
Abraxan replied:
Yup, you're right! Something has to be done . . .
Kinsfire posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 9:14am for Chapter 10
I think Harry needs to look at the management of the Lions and inform them - not ask - that he is going to start hexing fans if they get insulting, because his fiancee was attacked.
The Lions are actually going to use this incident as publicity, I'd imagine. There are very subtle ways to use this sort of thing without appearing to be using it, such as publicly offering to pay for her hospital bills or some such.
This is a delightful story, and I look forward to seeing where it's going.
Abraxan replied:
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for your interesting comments! Sorry I can't answer them, or I'd give away too much of the story! LOL!
DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 7:56am for Chapter 10
Bunch a Bi*chs that's just not right. I hope they catch her nice work as always thanks for writting.
Abraxan replied:
Don't worry, catching her is a top priority! Glad you liked it!
Nique posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 7:46am for Chapter 10
fabulous as always! :) I love your stories.. all of them.. and this chapter is great!
Abraxan replied:
Thanks a lot!
kellygreenpassion posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 5:00am for Chapter 10
when thet fing the girl who did this to Ginny they are died.
Abraxan replied:
only time will tell! Stay tuned! :D
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 4:20am for Chapter 10
Huh, if that was a fangirl, it looks like Harry is in for a rougher time than usual, as I imagine he'd have no trouble with DE's, but how do you handle a jealous girl, even if she does do some harm? Here's hoping that things will work out for Harry and Ginny over time, and have to wonder as well, how long it'll be before he decides that it's not worth it to be a bigger celebrity than he was before playing professional Quidditch.
Abraxan replied:
Well, she's done a physical attack now, so the law will be after her, which will be a help to Harry, I'm sure. Stay tuned to see what happens next! Thanks for the review!
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 3:47am for Chapter 10
Well that was a rude thing to happen. I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
Abraxan replied:
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! And a "rude thing"???? Yikes, that's an understatement!!! :D
ghostchicken posted a comment on Monday 9th February 2009 7:48pm for Chapter 10
Abraxan replied: