Now And Forever
Chapter 23
By Abraxan
fallingmonkey3 posted a comment on Thursday 17th April 2008 2:23pm for Chapter 23
Nice chapter Abraxan... Are we ever going to find out who snitched on Harry and Ginny? I'm quite interested, to be frank... It's good that Hermione and Ron got that flat that they had been hoping for. They really needed to have a place of their own. Great job!
Abraxan replied:
Thanks! Yes, you'll find out who snitched, and much sooner than you'll see what the ministry did about the house-elves (which is coming, but the wheels of government turn slowly, y'know, so it won't be seen for a while). Glad you liked the chapter!
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Thursday 17th April 2008 5:09am for Chapter 23
Great chapter!
Abraxan replied:
Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 11:40pm for Chapter 23
Nice chapter with Harry and Ginny rising above the pettiness of small minded people! I can see why the Board should be concerned about people who could take advantage of situations similar to Harry's but given their actions it does seem that their motivation has little to do with protection and more with going after Harry personally. Where were these guardians of public morals when Lockhart was around? It wouldn't suprise me if they were getting their personal copies of those books autographed at one of his book signings! The scene at the locker room was cute, and it's good to see the three friends having a chance to enjoy their lives after all the upheval they've gone through! Many thanks for the chapter!
Abraxan replied:
Yup, where WERE they when Lockhart was around? You're right, they were probably getting autographs on every one of his books! Glad you liked the locker room scene - that was great fun to write! Thanks for the nice review!
Lloyd Berlin posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 3:03pm for Chapter 23
i love your stories and congrats on getting your book published and i hope it sells well which i'm sure it will....i believe i'll be cheching it out for my self.
Abraxan replied:
Thanks so much! Those who've read Star Sons think it's a good read - there were five reviews on Amazon the last time I looked and they were all positive. :D
jilumasam posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 2:36pm for Chapter 23
Nice chappie....I like the fact that Hermione and Ron have finally found a flat, that they can call their own.
I'd be interested to see how long it takes for the gossip to go around about Harry and Ginny's restrictions. It seems that the effect wanted by the complainer didn't come about after all. Be interesting to see if there is any backlash.
Abraxan replied:
Yeah, it's always good when a young couple gets a place of their own so they can start their lives together as a family.
Backlash? I dunno if there will be or not! You'll just have to keep reading to see!Thanks for writing!
Carol Layland posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 2:25pm for Chapter 23
This chapter threw me for several minutes. You leave Harry talking to the minister and the in a complete non-sequiter transfer Harry to a copletely different venue. As a retired English Composition tacher I would prefer a sentence or two that would lead the reader to consider the time interval that seems to be missing. Perhaps something like: After Harry left the ministers office he.............woulb prove continuity. Other than that I still think that you are tops and your stories grab me and hold me interested in total enthrallment.
Abraxan replied:
I've read lots of novels where there was a time lapse between chapters instead of things following on directly. The wheels of government turn slowly. Because of that, don't expect to see what happens as a result of Harry's conversation with the Minister for quite a while. Thanks for the comments - I'm glad my stories "enthrall" you! :D
Shady Dareks posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 1:10pm for Chapter 23
Cute scene in the locker room!
Glad Ginny took the news of the Board's decision well. Or, at least as well as could be expected. (I believe I freaked out way more than she did!)
We didn't see Harry's plan for the house elves in this chapter, though! I had hoped we would. Hmmm... Maybe it's coming soon.
I enjoyed that chapter, at any rate!
Abraxan replied:
Glad you enjoyed it! And you'll have to be patient about the resolution of the house elf problem - remember, the wheels of government turn SLOWLY! That resolution won't show up for quite a few chapters as a result . . .
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 11:08am for Chapter 23
Heh, a very interesting chapter and I'm glad Ginny took the news as gently as she did (though I might worry about the continued health of some of the Board after she and her friends start plotting their revenge for making life more difficult). The scene in the locker room is classic. The flat sounds like a nice little place and Harry's offer sounds just like what he'd do for friends.
For some reason, I keep thinking that this chapter is somewhat of the clam before the storm or, possibly, the eye of the hurricnae before you head out the other side.
Abraxan replied:
Heehee - the calm before the storm??? Could be . . . or perhaps not! Glad you enjoyed it!
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 10:09am for Chapter 23
Sweet part with Hermione there in the shower, and liked how Harry was nonchalant about the whole thing, and then Ron brining her back to reality, LOL.
Abraxan replied:
Glad you enjoyed that! It was fun to make Hermione blush, LOL! That was such a fun scene to write!
Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 10:05am for Chapter 23
I am looking forward to seeing the shoe drop from the previous chapter and the house elves.
Are we going to get a listing of all the silly rules, or just some well earned vengeance as Ginny takes up the topic with each of the idiots who proposed the individual rules??
Abraxan replied:
You'll just have to wait and see what's going to happen in each case!! :)
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 7:25am for Chapter 23
Oops, I left the review for this chapter on chapter 22. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. pms
Abraxan replied:
LOL! No problem!
ghostchicken posted a comment on Tuesday 10th February 2009 6:20am for Chapter 23
Abraxan replied: