The Refiner's Fire
Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
By Abraxan
ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th February 2008 11:15am for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
How much money & other thangs does Harry have from his parants & his godfather?
Why has Harry not heard the wills of his parants?
Abraxan replied:
I have no idea how much Harry inherited. And I don't know if James and Lily even had wills - you'll just have to keep reading to see what I thought was important to the story in all this.
gummihu posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 9:34pm for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
Yay Iceland
Abraxan replied:
Jacqueline posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 3:13pm for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
So I was sitting around, bored out of my mind, when I decided to reread my favorite sections of The Refiners Fire and Time of Desinty and leave lots of nice reviews :) It's too early to go to bed, seeing as an early bed time would ruin the good mood I've got going on with Spring Break starting tomorrow and a good poli sci test today (and yes, this is Jax from the chat last night.)
Just as good the second time around :) Absolutely wonderful. I have to mention how much I loved Harry's speech to the bureaucrats :-P I love speeches like that, and I wish I could write them.
Abraxan replied:
THanks a lot! Yeah, I wish I could speak that eloquently - it shocks me when I can WRITE that eloquently, but then again, it's Harry's voice speaking, not mine. Glad you liked it! Thanks for the review!!
Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 9:28am for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
Way to be realistic: If I were Dumbledore I'd be terrified of Mrs. Weasley too. (I should best friend's mom IS Mrs. Weasley! She even has red hair!)
The Resident posted a comment on Friday 11th November 2005 5:21pm for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
I'm glad that Grimauld Place is getting a facelift. It's been a gloomy place for far too long. Molly is still being over protective I see. Her 'mommy genes' won't let her be otherwise. All moms have a real reluctance to see all their children grow up. It usually takes grandchildren to distract them. :-) Harry's attitude seems to be improving some as well. Good job (but I still like Casey.)
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 10:26am for Chapter 29 - Diplomacy
Abraxan replied: